SAMPURAN an organization dedicated to the mission of expanding the reach and scope of Indian classical music. The command of SAMPURAN is with the able hands of Shree Anirban Das and Shree Diptom Sinha Biswas. The duo are trained and established classical singers of this generation. Performing Indian classical vocal duet is an unique blend of its kind, considered to be the only duet vocal singer of recent times.
SAMPURAN has organized a program at the Gyan Manch a grand performance by the students. A unique ragmala, blending Indian classical with harmonization and symphony orchestration. The next part was a blend of Esraj and vocal by the students. The comes the performances of the mentors with a duet of Sitar by eminent sitarist Shree KG Westman from Sweden.
The grand finally was a performance by Vidushi Mandira Lahari and Shree Ramanuj Das Gupta. Pakrashi Harmonium is proud to be associated with SAMPURAN. We wish to stand by them for all their future endeavor. We them all the success in life and hope the duo will get what ever is needed to continue the journey and conclude there mission. Reinforce the mission of SAMPURAN and its importance to Indian classical music to leave a lasting impression.
#PakrashiHarmoniumUse , #ProudOfPakrashi , #IndianClassicalMusic, #Harmonium, #Sampuran.